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The Open Classroom

Session 6
Chad Sansing — Mozilla Foundation

Open leaders design and build projects that empower others to collaborate within inclusive communities. What does that look like in the K12 classroom? How can teachers apply the principles, practices, and skills of open leadership to their work in ways that make their classrooms more democratic and equitable for all?

Participants in this conversation will use a variety of participatory activities and conversational prompts to consider how Mozilla’s Open Leadership Framework (https://mzl.la/olf) can help open their classrooms and empower their students. They’ll leave with practical ways to:

Self-assess and advance their own open leadership practices. Provide students with opportunities to practice working open and open leadership with their peers. Broaden and deepen their connections to the global network of educators working open in the Internet health movement.

In particular, participants will unpack open-culture practices to better understand:

Community interactions & value exchanges: How can we clarify what teachers and students expect to give and get from their classrooms? Mountains of Engagement: What do patterns of engagement look like in an open classroom and how can we do more of what works best? Openness: How can we provide students with tools that help them feel safe and included in an open classroom?

Participants will also leave with direct invitations to participate in Mozilla’s open leadership (https://mzl.la/open-leadership) and Internet health (https://mzl.la/ihr) programming as learners and experts who can help Mozilla better contextualize its work for teachers and students through ongoing professional development and networking opportunities.

Conversational Practice

The session will use storytelling, collaborative art, check-in rituals and gratitude rituals, safety tools, breakout groups, and shared notes to promote conversation.

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