
During each of the six breakout sessions throughout the weekend, a large number of conversations will take place. This site will help you organize your plan for the weekend and provide the relevant information for each conversation. After signing in, search through the conversations below and mark the sessions you are interested in to populate your personal schedule on the right (or below if on your mobile phone).

All Together Now: Designing Whole-Class Projects that Work

Session 3
John Kamal & Max Lawrence

Join a team of educators and students who are grappling with the joys and pitfalls of class-wide projects - projects where each student takes on a different role in achieving a common long-term goal. We will explore examples like modernizing an urban farm with a team of 24 engineers, designing and building a 16-foot Rube Goldberg Machine, and year-long projects with uncertain goals and outcomes.

Are CS and STEM really for all?

Session 3
Shana V. White

How do we democratize computer science and STEM as well as address the racial and gender disparities in CS/STEM? What are ways we can provide opportunities to engage in computational thinking, problem solving, and collaboration in K-12? Let's discuss ways we can really make CS/STEM accessible for all students.

Creating Learning Communities in 3-D: An Exploration of Life-long, Life-Wide, and Life-Deep Learning.

Session 3
David Jakes, Karina Ruiz

Almost every school vision or mission statement mentions lifelong learning. But what if breadth and depth were to this traditional and linear model? This conversation focuses on developing a more compelling model of learning that supports the deeper development of the skills and dispositions that can lead to the creation of a participatory and engaged community of learners.

Empowering Empathy in Education

Session 3
Dani Shylit

How are teaching and learning transformed by practicing empathy? Join us for a conversation that leverages both field expertise and our collective wisdom. Through Socratic inquiry and Empathy Mapping, participants will construct understanding of empathy and collaborate on ways to bring impactful practices back to their contexts.

Forge The Route

Session 3
Jamie Bricker

Today's learners must be valued for their ability to think, far more than for their ability to remember. Sustainable learning is driven by active exploration, not simply passive exposure to new material. Students need to be encouraged to forge the route, not simply follow the rote! This conversation will focus on ensuring students' tasks are purposeful, personal and practical.

Open Educational Resources: A moral imperative

Session 3
Andrew Marcinek

In the past year, teachers have risen to the stage to fight for equitable resources for students, livable wages, and respect within their profession. These problems persisted because the status quo was enabled. It's time to flip the status quo and turn towards a disruptive, uncomfortable model of equitable resources for every student and teacher no matter their zip code.

The Bridge! Building Community in the South Bronx

Session 3
Natalie Ferrell, Chris DeLaCruz, Delvon Glover, Sarah Bowen, Anthony Best, Jeannette Bautista

How do self-expression and vulnerability create connection in a new community? At South Bronx Community, we designed an intensive summer bridge experience, akin to summer camp, focused on building community and introducing social/emotional skills, self expression and vulnerability. Hear how we build students’ sense of belonging from the beginning.

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